
Showing posts from October, 2016

Timshel: The Test of Knowledge

Michelangelo's The Fall and Expulsion from Garden of Eden            College students should always be in search for knowledge, but the question ought to be asked, "Is the pursuit of knowledge worthwhile?" While many would argue that knowledge is practically worthless, it could also be argued that knowledge has a corrupting effect on human nature, and given the story of the fall of man from Genesis, this appears to be the case. After Adam and Eve eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, they become corrupted and sinners, and thus all of humanity is also. St. Augustine calls it "original sin", that human beings are corrupt by nature and that this trait has been passed down from Adam to all of us, caused by Adam eating the forbidden fruit. Thus if eating from the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil corrupted all of mankind, this means that knowledge corrupts. This produces a paradox for college students if knowledge is sinful and y...

The Tale of the Hate Preacher

Today on campus there were hate preachers in the CSU mall causing a lot of heavy sentiments to be thrown from both sides. The preachers undoubtedly chose today to do the demonstration because it is National Coming Out Day, and on the other side of the mall there was the LGBT community handed out popsicles and causing no trouble. Now friends, as you all know, Crossroads is friends with the LGBT community, and acts of hatred against them should be frowned upon by our community. A crowd began to gather around the hate preacher, who stood on top of stool to look down upon us, and from both sides hatred was in the air. I saw one of my friends, who in a big supporter of the LGBT community, light a cigarette and blow the smoke into his face. Shouts of anger and hatred were thrown at him.    I ask of my fellow brothers and sisters, that we not answer hatred with hatred. That is like trying to put out fire with fire, the fire only spreads. We must answer hatred with love, for with lov...