The Tale of the Hate Preacher

Today on campus there were hate preachers in the CSU mall causing a lot of heavy sentiments to be thrown from both sides. The preachers undoubtedly chose today to do the demonstration because it is National Coming Out Day, and on the other side of the mall there was the LGBT community handed out popsicles and causing no trouble. Now friends, as you all know, Crossroads is friends with the LGBT community, and acts of hatred against them should be frowned upon by our community. A crowd began to gather around the hate preacher, who stood on top of stool to look down upon us, and from both sides hatred was in the air. I saw one of my friends, who in a big supporter of the LGBT community, light a cigarette and blow the smoke into his face. Shouts of anger and hatred were thrown at him.
   I ask of my fellow brothers and sisters, that we not answer hatred with hatred. That is like trying to put out fire with fire, the fire only spreads. We must answer hatred with love, for with love we cannot do wrong. Love is the only thing that can save the world, yet our world is at many times void of love. We should all try to expunge the  hate from our hearts, and fill them with love. The hate preacher taught hatred from a book of love. Eventually, I talked to this man, and he told me to read Proverbs 6:16, which states "There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him", and proceeded without telling me what these six things and saying that kid could understand what he was saying, but I couldn't. Proverbs lists the things in which the Lord hates, and Proverbs seven gives a warning against adultery. Proverbs 7:25 says, "Do not lust in your heart after her beauty or let her captivate you with her eyes." Besides Proverbs not supporting the hate preachers claims at all, it warns us not to love someone for their looks, but for who they actually are.
     Friends, not all who were in the crowd, shouting hatred at the hate preacher, but many formed together and preached love. Three students made a sign that says "MSU Choose Love", and held it facing towards the preacher. One man showed the preacher John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Telling the preacher that people need to accept Jesus, and whether or not they are gay, God loves them. Although, many in the crowd answered this man's call for hatred by giving this man hatred, some held pity in their heart and walked away as I did, or performed other forms of peaceful protest. What I would have to see, is someone to hug this man, let him know that his loved by God, and turn his inwards and see the wrong that he is doing and hopefully change his ways. Love is the balm that we need to smother in our wounds from hatred. The hate preacher I believe will someday learn, and that his hate is derived from a lack of love, and we will extinguish his hate with the waters of love.


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