'Twas the week before finals...

'Twas the week before finals week, and throughout 331 Dillon
Not a student was stirring, not even chillin'.

Upstairs, books were flung far and wide without care,
In hopes that osmosis would transmit information through the air.

And Connor in his pea coat, and Wes in his sweats,
Were just settling down to watch the Pack beat the Jets,

When what to their wondering eyes should appear
But Katie, Alyssa, Leslie and Tier!

"Hey, you guys," said Wes "I'm so glad you're here!
Which one of you wants to do the next-to-last blog post of the year?"

Well, as you've probably figured out, they were all too busy studying for finals, so I said I'd do it (:

I hope and pray that you all feel God's grace and presence throughout the anxiety of Finals Week. Each one of you is an amazing gift from God to this world that desperately needs you. As the stress ratchets up, I offer you a simple prayer, with which I suspect most of you are already familiar:

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; 
courage to change the things I can; 
and wisdom to know the difference."

God be with you all. It has been a great semester!

-Pastor Tammy


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